Her Blue-Eyed Sergeant (Soldiers 0f Swing Book 1) Read online

Page 4

  “Really, Miss Powell, I would have expected better from you, especially on your first night,” Miss Warren harangued. “To be caught in such a compromising position with a soldier you don’t even know. I thought you understood the rules, young lady. There will be no fraternizing of that kind in the building. No kissing, no necking, no…”

  “But I wasn’t!” Vivian interrupted, embarrassed that Miss Warren thought she had done something improper. “It was an accident. The soldier and I were just talking and all of a sudden someone slammed into him from behind – all he did was place himself between me and harm’s way. We weren’t doing…what you said.”

  Miss Warren seemed to accept her explanation and backed down a bit. “Well, all right. But don’t allow yourself to be put in a compromising position like that again. Keep your distance. Some of these men, well…they haven’t seen a girl in a while and…the flames of passion can be easily fanned…” the woman paused and visibly blushed – and Vivian did as well – as her meaning became clear.

  “Yes Ma’am,” Vivian murmured, acutely chagrined that she had managed to get into hot water with the director at her very first dance.

  They had arrived back at the edge of the dancers and Miss Warren let go of Vivian’s arm and took hold of her half empty soda glass. “Remember, you’re here to help the soldiers and sailors have a good time on their leave…not just one soldier,” she admonished as she gently pushed Vivian through the onlookers. One young private immediately asked Vivian to dance and she acquiesced, allowing him to sweep her out onto the floor as the band jammed away at Tex Beneke’s version of, I’ve Got a Gal in Kalamazoo.

  Vivian was acutely aware of Miss Warren’s eagle eye as the soldier sashayed her around the floor, albeit a bit sloppily. They bumped into other dancers several times. Finally, they maneuvered around until Vivian couldn’t see Miss Warren anymore and she heaved a sigh of relief. She smiled at her partner, who was a trifle on the short side, not much taller than her, and then took a quick look around to see if she could spot the blue-eyed soldier again. Her partner swished and swirled her around, only once stepping on her foot.

  Suddenly, a cheer went up from across the room and couples began to part as a dancing pair really hoofed it up. The song was at the part where the singers were singing, “A-B-C-D-E-F-G…” and the couple on the floor broke into side-by-side tap dancing to the snappy beat. One would think they were a professional dance team. The other dancers backed up and gave them room to perform, clapping and laughing, and shouting encouragements to continue. Vivian and her partner joined the throng, with everyone caught up in the exhilarating spectacle.

  All at once, Vivian recognized the good-looking soldier, the one who looked like Tyrone Power, was also dancing in the open ring, but the one who was tap dancing was a tall slim fellow with bright red hair – and a crazy cowlick. Soldiers all around were clapping and calling out to the two. Vivian heard the names, “Mack” and “Rooster” among the shouts. The girls dancing with them were keeping up, in perfect synchronization. Vivian applauded as she excitedly cheered, having the time of her life, and for a moment had forgotten her mysterious encounter with the blue-eyed soldier until she spotted him across the way, his attention now riveted on the two soldiers in the middle. His hands were around his mouth and he was shouting with the rest, and she knew he knew them personally. He’s a sergeant…I wonder if they are under his command…

  The band noticed what was happening and really launched into the swing of things, playing and singing for all they were worth. For a moment, Vivian thought the roof might just blow off.

  The song seemed to go on and on, building and building, until finally came the rousing finish, ending with the two soldiers tapping, spinning, sliding, and showing off their respective dance talent. The red haired one even went down in the splits and then “slid” right back up, causing the crowd to squeal approval. By then, their partners were standing back and allowing them full reign, joining in the joyous atmosphere at the soldiers’ showboating tricks as each one jumped high in the air and landed in the splits on the dance floor, the cymbals crashing in a rousing finish.

  The crowd roared appreciation, rushing forward to pound the soldiers on the back in congratulations of their wonderful performances. The guys were all chuckles, side by side, bending over with their hands on their knees as if a bit winded. Vivian noticed her blue-eyed sergeant right there among the congratulators.

  After a few moments, as if the band knew everyone needed a break, they struck up a slower, romantic tune – I’ve Got a Feeling I’m Falling.

  Vivian watched as the sergeant she had already begun to think of as “hers” turned, his eyes zeroing in on her, and began to make his way over. As two other soldiers asked her to dance, she didn’t even answer, just waited for Mr. Blue Eyes to reach her and extend a hand.

  As if they were characters in a big screen movie, she placed her hand in his, and they started to dance…


  The girl felt so good, so right, so responsive in his arms. They instantly gelled, as if they had been dancing together all their lives. No girl had ever danced so smoothly with him, or followed him so well. Like they were made for each other…

  Was he dreaming? Things like this just didn’t happen to him – to plain old Sergeant Eugene Banks, from Elizabethtown, Kentucky. If he could have put in an order for a girl with all of his personal likes and tastes, she would fit the bill to a T. What was even more, she seemed to be feeling the same thing that he was.

  “My name is Vivian Powell. What’s yours?” she asked softly, her cheek against his as they glided slowly to the smooth music.

  Vivian…such a beautiful name…and it fits her…

  “Sergeant Eugene Banks. But, um…my friends call me Gene.”

  “Gene Banks. I like it. Everyone calls me Viv.”

  “Viv Powell. I like it,” he echoed, not caring two beans that he was smiling like a chowder head.

  Her hand fit so perfectly in his, like a precisely machined part inside one of his tanks. Her cheek against his felt just right, and her dress swished against the legs of his uniform pants as they moved together to the music in perfect synchronization.


  All his befuddled brain could register was just…WOW.

  As the mellow male voice crooning the mesmerizing melody continued, some of the words registered in Gene’s mystified mind and he chuckled softly against her cheek. She pulled back just enough to look up into his eyes, and once again, the power of her honeyed gaze made him catch his breath. He nearly stumbled.

  “What’s funny?” she queried softly, her eyes roaming slowly over his face, up to his cap, down to his lips and his chin, then back up to his eyes.

  Should I tell her what I’m feeling? Or will she think I’m a sap headed dope? Well, she’d be right. With one look, she’s clobbered me, turned me into a slack happy slob, but I’ve never felt happier in my life. Like the song says…I’ve got a feeling I’m falling for nobody else but you…

  He grinned down at her as he smoothly guided her around the floor. “I was just listening to the words of the song…the guy says he’s flying high…she caught his eye…he’s tingling all over.” He hesitated, gauging by the sparkle in her eyes how she was taking his admission. Gene decided to lay it on the line. “Baby, I’ve never felt this way before…but…I bet all the guys tell you that,” he added, a bit of the old self-doubt raising its ugly head. Surely he only imagined that she was feeling the same thing…

  Her eyes continued to twinkle as she took in everything he was saying. It was as if the wheels were turning in her mind and she was trying to decide what to say. He swallowed, suddenly nervous. Had he fouled everything up one minute into their first dance? Would she laugh and make fun of him with her friends later?

  Then, she smiled and leaned in to press her cheek to his again. “Good. I was a bit afraid it was just me. Glad to know I’m not the only one off the cob.”

  Gene chuckled at h
er phrase, which meant she was feeling as goofy about him as he was about her.

  He snuggled a bit closer, being careful not to press her too close, after that dressing down they had when he had unintentionally mashed her to the wall with his body. “I thought this kinda thing only happened in the movies,” he whispered next to her ear as he expertly turned them away from a couple dancing too close.

  “Me, too,” she sighed, almost purring like a contented cat. “I told my friend I didn’t think I’d have a good time. I nearly didn’t come tonight,” she admitted, amazement in her voice.

  “Mmm, I’m so glad you did,” he breathed as he twirled her around again.

  “Me, too,” she said again, and he felt her hand edge up to the nape of his neck, the touch of her fingers causing goose bumps to erupt and race down his back.

  Just then, he felt an extremely unwelcome tap on his shoulder.

  He opened his eyes, but didn’t stop dancing, as protocol would insist. One of the privates in his unit hovered there with a comical look on his face. His eyebrows were raised, fully expecting his sergeant to relinquish the girl for the remainder of the song. Gene glowered at the younger man. Quickly deciding to use his sergeant status to his advantage, he ignored the fact that it was frowned upon to pull rank in situations such as this. Oh well. There’s a war on. Rules be hanged.

  Gene practically growled, “Go take a powder, Private.”

  “Yes, sir!” The private squawked as he snapped to attention and saluted. Without thought or question, he turned on his heel and retreated to the other side of the dance floor, only turning back once at his scowling commander.

  Vivian leaned back at his words and looked around; having been unaware someone had even interrupted them. “Who was that?”

  Gene took his eyes off the retreating would-be interloper and grinned at her, feeling a bit hazy-headed like he had one summer when, on a dare from a school chum in grade school, he had sucked nearly all of the helium out of a balloon so he could make his voice sound like a chipmunk.

  “Just some knucklehead that thought he was gonna take you away from me before the song was over.”

  She grinned back at him and then snuggled against his cheek again.

  He felt like he’d died and gone to Heaven.

  Was this real? How could something like this happen so fast? Was it just six months ago that she had thought she would never get over Walter? Vivian clamped her lips together, stifling a sigh that at that moment, she couldn’t even remember Walter’s last name…

  Eugene Banks. Sergeant Eugene Banks. If we married, I’d be Vivian Banks… She almost giggled as she silently sing-songed, Vivian Banks works in a bank while her husband drives a tank.

  She tried to control herself and quit being so silly. How could she be thinking of marrying this soldier after only one short conversation and one nearly completed dance? At that thought, a bit of her happiness deflated. When the song ended, the rules dictated that she had to dance with another soldier. She wasn’t supposed to dance with the same soldier two dances in a row. But…how could she let him go? How could she watch him take another girl in his arms?

  Oh goodness, I’m losing my mind. But he feels the same way…he just told that private to take a hike. The rule sheet she had signed flashed before her eyes… You must not spend all your time with just one soldier. You must not allow a soldier to get fresh with you while on the property. You are not to allow a soldier to escort you home. When she had signed the sheet, she’d had no clue how those rules would chafe in such a short time.

  But oh…how good she felt being held in his arms…and they danced together so well! This was so wonderful, like something in a movie up on the big screen. So, life really does imitate art at times…

  Her eyes closed. She and Gene seemed to be floating on a cloud to the lovely strains of the music. She smiled at the words of the song as his arm around her back tightened a little more…the guy was singing about traveling single, chancing to mingle, and being all a-tingle…

  Tingle…man, he said it.

  Alas, as the old saying goes, all good things come to an end. A few more times through the chorus and the song drifted to a stop.

  The soldier and the junior hostess leaned back and looked into one another’s eyes.

  “Thanks for the best dance I’ve ever had in my life,” Gene avowed, his fixed stare holding Vivian’s.

  “You’re welcome, Sergeant,” Vivian mumbled, somehow unable to release his hand. She watched as he raised that hand, bringing hers up to his lips and her eyes fluttered shut. When he pressed those lips to the backs of her fingers, she sighed. His lips were warm and soft, just like she knew they’d be…

  When she opened her eyes again, another song was starting up – a fast one this time. Before she knew it, a sailor in whites came along and scooped her into his arms, calling over his shoulder, “Thanks for warming her up, Sarge.”

  Before the sailor swept her around, she saw Gene’s face, and the look in his eyes; a look that told her he wasn’t going to seek out other girls to dance with.

  At that moment, Vivian made up her mind that at her first opportunity, regardless of the reason she was there, she would take a “break” from dancing and seek out her blue-eyed sergeant.

  Unfortunately, that break didn’t come for another hour. By then, Vivian was out of breath and her feet were screaming from the half-size-too-small pumps she had foolishly worn. She had danced with at least two soldiers per song, and all but one were fast numbers. However, the band was tired as well, and mercifully, they stopped to take ten.

  Vivian had wound up in the arms of the red headed private, the one they had called Rooster, who had been in the impromptu dance-off earlier with the Tyrone Power twin. He was a great dancer, but was a might too energetic for her at that point. She wondered how he’d been dancing all this time and seemed to be nowhere near the end of his stamina.

  When the number ended and the music stopped, he grinned happily and said, “Thanks, Miss. You’re number forty-five.”

  Vivian frowned, not understanding. “I beg your pardon?”

  He chuckled. “Never mind.” Then, his gaze focused over her shoulder and he grinned again. “Hey Sarge.”

  Vivian turned her head and smiled a welcome – Gene was standing just behind her, his eyes boring into hers. Those eyes…once again, she felt that lightning sensation zinging all over her body.

  “I’m ahead by three,” the private jabbed his sergeant in a foolhardy manner.

  Gene gave the private a nod, but his eyes didn’t leave Vivian’s. “As they say, Pvt. Deal, it ain’t over till the fat lady sings.”

  The private chortled and gave his commanding officer a lazy salute, which Gene automatically returned.

  Gene waited for the private to move on. Once he did, he and Vivian stood just contemplating one another’s dreamy expressions for a moment.

  “Hi,” he greeted softly.

  “Hi,” Vivian answered. “Is he one of your men?” Vivian asked, feeling a bit silly with them just standing there in the middle of the emptying dance floor, staring at one another as if in a trance.

  “He is,” Gene answered, clearly disinterested in discussing the other soldier.

  Finally, he seemed to rouse himself and looked over his shoulder. “Is it all right if you…get something to eat with me?”

  Vivian glanced around, looking for Miss Warren, or Mary June, but her friend had been scarce the entire time. “I’m not sure…”

  Making a decision, Gene gently grasped Vivian’s arm and gave it a gentle tug. “How about we go find someplace quiet to rest a spell.”

  She decided to throw caution to the wind. “That sounds like Heaven.”

  The couple walked together out of the large room and down the hall, where quite a few of the others seemed to be headed as well. They joined the throng in a room at the end of the hallway where food was being prepared. Waiting in line, not saying anything, but extremely aware of one another, they ordere
d a sandwich and coffee, and then wandered out into the hall and up the stairs.

  Vivian had not had an opportunity to tour the facility when she had signed on, as she hadn’t wanted to be late getting back to work, and she had been barely on time for the dance that evening.

  “What’s up here?” she asked as they climbed the staircase.

  “Different rooms, one with pool tables, one with ping pong tables, one with card tables…ones with a few chairs for just relaxing and maybe reading a book…”

  Vivian knew without him saying it that he was heading for one of the latter rooms.

  At the end of the second floor hallway, they found such a room. It had a few comfortable chairs and a couch. Several low tables held magazines strewn haphazardly, and shelves with books lined the walls. At the moment, no one else was there, and they sat down in chairs to take a few bites of their sandwiches and sip their coffee. Each one marveled at how comfortable they were in one another’s presence.

  When they finished their snack, Gene wiped his mouth, stood, and held out his hand, pulling Vivian up on her feet and over to the couch, where they settled side by side.

  “Oh, that hit the spot. I hadn’t realized how hungry I was. I didn’t eat much supper,” Vivian shared, briefly watching him as he turned slightly so he could drape one arm on the back of the couch behind her shoulders.

  “Me either.”

  Alone with him, seemingly far away from others, Vivian was suddenly a bit nervous. What did she know about him, anyway? He wouldn’t…try to take advantage of her, would he? Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea…

  “So…” she began, moistening her lips and observing him again. “Tell me about Sgt. Eugene Banks.”

  He smiled and reached for one of her hands that was resting in her lap, focusing on it as if it were the most interesting object in the world. Her heart kicked up a notch.

  “Oh…Sgt. Banks is just an average Joe.” Looking up and catching her raised eyebrow, he chuckled. “I was raised not far from here – in E-town…my parents had a farm. Got two younger brothers and two younger sisters…”